As far as I'm concerned, 1996-1998 is the best era for De La non-album cuts. There are upwards of 20 tracks on this two volume set that I thoroughly enjoy. My favorites include the Jay Dee and UK remixes for "Stakes Is High", the Native Tongue posse cut "How Ya Want It We Got It", the remixes for "The Bizness" and "The Love Song", the Rob-O track "Stay Away", and their collaboration with DJ Honda on "Trouble In The Water".
De La Soul - Stakes Is High Era Rarities Volume 1
1. Stakes Is High (Jay Dee Remix)
2. Stakes Is High (UK Remix)
3. Stakes Is High (Spinna Remix)
4. Stakes Is High (MF Doom Blend)
5. Stakes Is High (Soulman Remix)
6. Stakes Is High (Alternate Jay Dee Remix)
7. Stakes Is High (9th Wonder Remix)
8. Itzsoweezee (Remix)
9. Itzsoweezee (Spinbad Blend)
10. The Bizness w/ Common Sense (Remix)
11. The Love Song w/ The Bush Babees (Remix)
12. How Ya Want It We Got It w/ JBs & ATCQ (Remix)
13. I Can't Call It
14. Tim Westwood Freestyle w/ Nas (1996)
De La Soul - Stakes Is High Era Rarities Volume 2
1. Lyricist Lounge Intro
2. Trouble In The Water
3. Stay Away w/ Rob-O
4. The Hustle
5. Gettin' Down At The Amphitheater w/ Common Sense
6. More Than You Know w/ Prince Paul & Juggaknots
7. The Projects w/ Del
8. Chanel No. Fever
9. B-Side To Hollywood w/ Camp Lo
10. Hey DJ w/ Malcolm McLaren
11. 4 More (Juno Clean Remix)
12. Do Fries Go With That Shake
13. Sweet Dreams
14. 360 Degrees w/ Propellerheads
15. Pass It On w/ 3 Steps From Nowhere (Remix)
Stakes Is High (UK Remix)
Stakes Is High (Soulman Remix)
Itzsoweezee (Spinbad Blend)
The Bizness w/ Common Sense (Remix)
The Love Song w/ The Bush Babees (Remix)
How Ya Want It We Got It w/ JBs & ATCQ (Remix)
I Can't Call It
Trouble In The Water
Stay Away w/ Rob-O
The Hustle
--Roy Johnson
good look on this - thanks!