Well, lo and behold, 15 years later and they're dropping an album featuring production from Diamond D, Show, Buckwild, Lord Finesse and Minnesota. To be fair, they only do a beat each while the rest of the production is handled by crew member, Branesparker, and one by J-Superia. The beats are grimy. Dirty drum breaks chopped up, simple head nodding samples. They definitely have that mid 90's "heavy" Bronx sound down pat.
We can't give you a download to the entire album because that would just be wrong. It drops October 1st and is being sold at a normal price. Not on some "limited", your kids will have to go hungry this week, prices. Here's a few tracks off of "Gryme Tyme" to let you know what you have to look forward to:[click on title to preview]
Think About It (produced by Diamond D)
Time Flies (produced by Minnesota)
The Lord's Prayer (produced by Buckwild)
We Comin' (produced by Show)
Gryme Tyme (produced by Branesparker)
I think you might still be able to get one of the limited bonus 45s if you pre order now.
definitely copping this!